Eight interwoven stories follow students whose school work, social lives and inner demons crash together, leading to fantastic and horrible experiences, supernatural powers, and a fuller understanding of the dark depths of their world.
Classes include subjects such as time travel, alchemy, oneironautics , psychedelic transformation, rogue automatons, cosmic ghosts, reality-warping crystals, and more.
Inspired by many authors of science fiction, fantasy and horror, including H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, J.K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, William Gibson, Kurt Vonnegut and Isaac Asimov.
Wolfgang Edwards was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1987. He has been an aspiring writer since he was a child and intends to keep writing the rest of his life.
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When I was asked to read this book, I looked at the description on Amazon and almost said "I don't know if I want to read this or not ". I haven't really read a lot of steampunk stories and wasn't sure if they would be too my liking or not. Well - guess what -- surprise surprise!!!
The first book in the collection is entitled THE RIGHT HAND. It is a story about a young girl who is working for the university and how she comes across an invention that she helps finish and brings to life. Now, I don't write spoilers -- but OMG, it was nothing like I thought it would be like at all. Put it this way --- once I started reading this story, I could not stop until I finished.
I'm not gonna write a mini review for each of the other stories -- but they are the same in regards to not being able to stop reading them!!!
The stories tie into each other - in one way or another, and making the beginnings of one fantastic story.
I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received.
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