Pamela Landers had it all, a senior partnership with a top law firm, expensive car, and a luxurious condo. What she desired most was a loving husband, children and a life filled with precious memories that would comfort her through her golden years.
Funny how fate has a way of steering you down that path where dreams really can come true. When Pamela encounters Gavin Templeton along her journey, she has some life-altering decisions to make that eventually lead her to happily ever after she always dreamed of.
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About the Cynthia Roberts –
My love of reading romance fiction goes back to those early years when I was raising a young family. It wasn’t until
much later in life I actually took up the pen to write my first historical romance, Wind Warrior. I really don’t fit into one specific niche. Once a story starts to flow, it’s only then I know what genre/subgenre it will fit under.
I have only one regret, and that is not getting to this point in my career much sooner, rather than later. Life has a way of setting up road blocks, which for me, was supposed to work out that way. Because of those detours, I have become a more passionate and expressive writer, allowing me to create the kind of raw human emotion I want my readership to feel. It is my hope you walk away with not just an entertaining read, but the importance in knowing,
“Without imagination & dreams, we lose the excitement of wonderful possibilities.”
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Cynthia Roberts is giving away an ebook set of her Love Song Standards series. To enter you must be 18+ Open INT. Ends 8/25 @ 11:59pm EST fill out the form below to enter.
Love Song series
Ends: 8/25/2016 11:59 PM EST
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To enter you must be 18+ Open INT. Ends 8/25 @ 11:59pm EST
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Thank you so very much for supporting the promotion of my brand new Love Song Standards Series and Book #1 "Unchained Melody". I've been writing one book a month to get this series out and hope that readers find them an enjoyable and entertaining read. Hugs from me to you ~ Cynthia