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Excerpt: Chapter 3: Choices
My soul? You can’t be my soul. I am my soul. I am me, there is no “us” in soul. If I am doomed to spend eternity with you, the least you can do is come up with something more clever than that. I am already me. You have to choose another character. While imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, you can’t have what is mine.
Even I hear the whiny petulance in my voice. I’m slightly embarrassed; but, why?
I hear a deep sigh. “I could say the same to you, you know. But you don’t know. And you won’t know until you understand two things: I am your soul, the spark that kept you going through everything, and … this is not my first rodeo. Considering your current choices, I’d say you need to shut up and listen.”
Okay. Assuming I do. Assuming I want to. Don’t take this personally Ms. “Soul,” but honestly you are not what I might have expected a soul to be. I thought perhaps angelic … wise … kind. I thought a bit more polished, a bit more empathetic. Maybe even wings and a harp. I find you somewhat arrogant and pedestrian.
“Challenged are you? Girlfriend, I have news for you. I am all of that and more. I am every thought you have ever had. I am every emotion you have ever felt. If you see me as arrogant, consider the source. In fact, that’s exactly what you are going to have to do if you want to escape this inertia as you’ve said, and we don’t have a lot of time. That’s my deal. Take it or leave it. I won’t make this offer again.”
Well, at least you are a distraction. Though not a very pleasant one, I might add.
“Don’t flatter yourself. Spending time with you is equally as entertaining for me, Cupcake.”
About the author: Kathi Haacke Morehead makes her fiction debut with WHITE NIGHT. She is the author of HEART BLEED: Letting go and stanching the flow, and THE BEST FROM THE CHEAP SEATS. She has also written numerous articles for Mind Body Green, and Boomeon. She also blogs daily at A View From the Cheap Seats Today. Kathi lives in Brunswick with her husband Dave and their four finicky felines. Her motto is "love and laugh!"